Tomass Piketijs
Posted: 20 Nov 2022, 01:49
Tomass Piketijs (Thomas Piketty)
(French: [tɔ.ma pi.kɛ.ti]; dzimis 7 maijā 1971)).
(French: [tɔ.ma pi.kɛ.ti]; dzimis 7 maijā 1971)).
2014. gada 26. maijs „Ekonomists -- rokzvaigzne", „politisks un teorētisks buldozers", „franču komunists", „21.gadsimta Kārlis Markss" un „ekonomikas vēstures triumfs pār matemātisku modelēšanu" -- tas viss pēdējo nedēļu laikā izskanējis pasaules izdevumos, par franču ekonomistu Tomasu Piketiju (Thomas Piketty) un viņa grāmatu „Kapitāls 21.gadsimtā" („Capital in the Twenty-First Century"). Kopš grāmatas iznākšanas aprīlī, tā kļuvusi par absolūtu bestselleru numur 1 ASV un citviet pasaulē. „Kapitāls 21.gadsimtā" - tas ir apjomīgs pētījums par kapitāla un ienākumu nevienlīdzību kopš 18.gadsimta. Mēs dodamies uz Vāciju, lai klātienē sastaptu uzlēkušo ekonomikas superzvaigzni. ... #CriticismCritique of the normative content
One strand of critique faults Piketty for placing inequality at the center of analysis without any reflection on why it matters.
According to Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf, he merely assumes that inequality matters, but never explains why. He only demonstrates that it exists and how it worsens.[37] Or as his colleague Clive Crook put it: "Aside from its other flaws, Capital in the 21st Century invites readers to believe not just that inequality is important, but that nothing else matters. This book wants you to worry about low growth in the coming decades not because that would mean a slower rise in living standards, but because it might ... worsen inequality."[35]
Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson asserts that Piketty is replacing American philosopher John Rawls as the essential thinker of the left.[38] In addition to questioning common measures of wealth distribution, he also criticizes Piketty for being, unlike Rawls, "much more concerned with the rich than with the poor". Hannes admits that the "rapid rise in the income of the super-rich of the world" is happening, but doesn't view this trend as being a problem so long as the poor do not get poorer.[39]