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Post by LvSnor »

The peasant struggles in Luther’s Germany, for instance, “appeared” to be a religious conflict related to the Reformation and the subordination to
the Church of Rome and completely unrelated to the earthly oppression that the princes and landed aristocracy exercised over the peasantry.

Zemnieks cīņas Lutera Vācijā, piemēram, “parādījās” kā reliģisks konflikts, kas saistīts ar Reformāciju un pakļautību Romas baznīca un pilnīgi nesaistīta ar apsiešanu pašu zemē no prinčiem un zemes aristokrātijas, ko vērsa pret zemniekiem.

Ir jautājums, kurā brīdi konstituējas šī apspiestība, kad viņa kļūst klaji redzama. Un kurā brīdi neprototies šai apspiestībai kļūst iracionāli un tāda veidā tiek pausta individuālā vājība?
During the turmoil in the 1960s and the early 1970s a number of books appeared in the United States with variations on the title of Why Men Revolt. The emphasis in this chapter will be exactly the opposite: on why men and women do not revolt. Put very bluntly, the central question will be: what must happen to human beings in order to make them submit to oppression and degradation
Barrington Moore (1978: 49)
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